The Thank It Back Platform is a unique launchpad for a global movement connecting people with gratitude.
We believe thanking people helps us become more aware of our important role in each other's lives. It also inspires us to be kinder, more humble, tolerant, and more careful with our words and deeds.
We hope it will inspire you, and those around you, to change others' lives for the better and support each other more often without expecting anything in return.
You never really know the true impact you have on those around you. You never know how much someone needed that smile you gave them. You never know how much your kindness turned someone's entire life around. You never know how much someone needed that long hug or deep talk. So don't wait to be kind. Don't wait for someone else to be kind first. Don't wait for better circumstances or for someone to change. Just be kind, because you never know how much someone needs it.
Nikki Banas
“I've always felt blessed with people in my life. There have been so many occasions when random words or straightforward questions from a friend or acquaintance turned the course of my life around, not even talking about all the support and love I've been constantly receiving in absolutely different situations.
Quite often these people didn't realise how crucial they were for me to become who I am and to get here and now. But I wanted them to know it!
That's why, in May 2020, I got this idea to create a place where I could express my gratitude to each person who played an important role in my life. I wanted to show how closely interconnected we are, to prove that we are never alone, and to demonstrate that with our kindness and humbleness we can change the lives of people around us for the better. I've been on the other side too, and hearing grateful words, knowing that I also matter helped me go through very difficult times when I was questioning my own existence.
Three years later, the idea became a reality: together with a team of wonderful people we launched the Thank It Back platform.
As it often happens, it emerged from my personal unsatisfied need but it's becoming much more than I could envision.
Thank It Back is just the beginning, as we are working on creating a very special app - RetrospAct, which will help any person to look at their own life from a different perspective and fill it with a new meaning. And Thank You Cards are just a small but integral part of the app."
Ekaterina Shalamova, founder and CEO of RetrospAct.
Thank it back Platform is mostly a volunteer project.
A bold idea became a reality thanks to generous “donations” of time, talents, and skills received from these kind people, all professionals in their fields.
Special thanks to Antonio C. and Alessandra F. for their financial help, and to all friends, relatives and colleagues for their support and unshakeable belief!
Each of our Thank You Cards was specifically designed for the Thank It Back platform. Artists from different parts of the world put their hearts into creating unique illustrations to help us unite and re-unite people with the power of gratitude and art.
To thank all these talented people for their gift to us, we want to tell you more about each of them and their creations.
Collaborate with us!
Submit your design
concepts to expand our library of Thank You Card designs.